A Faithful Attempt to
Prove worthy of Prabhuji’s Shashan
Repay the infinite benevolence of Prabhuji
A stepping stone for the holy path leading to Moksha …
Is the close nexus of humble youth, - Kalyanmitra
Inspirers :
Pujya Acharya Shri Muktivallabhsuri Suri Maharaj Saheb
Pujya Acharya Shri Udayvallabhsuri Suri Maharaj Saheb
Pujya Acharya Shri Hridayvallabhsuri Suri Maharaj Saheb
Our Objective :
Constructive Life
Life is precious.
Life is not to be destroyed by fostering false values and vices
Life is not to be lost in lust
Life is not a mere struggle for existence …
In this Garden called Life, We wish to plant flowers of
Faith, Strength and Sanctity
In this Conflict called Life, We wish to defeat the
Obstinate Kashays, Vile Vices and Indulgences
In this Temple called Life, We wish to worship
Noble Values, Righteous Ideals and Precious Values
This nexus of Kalyanmitra is a consolidated effort to achieve this Virtuous Aim
This is just the stepping stone…
There is lot more to be done …
We wish to progress iny leaps and bounds…